Rotorhead Digital Marketing is here to help small business and non-profits/charities best weaponize their own Digital Marketing efforts. Marketing isn’t a simple process, and it’s a complex problem that has more than a couple puzzle pieces that need to be meshed together.
My military background was in mostly in planning – from strategic to tactical. I was always a volunteer with many not for profit and charity ventures, and I found that many areas that fundraising events struggled was proper marketing of themselves. The challenge many fundraisers had was that volunteer driven events are subject to the time and energy constraints of volunteer. This results in volunteers trying to take a number of shortcuts, or being unaware of areas that could be leveraged that would amplify the existing efforts. As I was watching these things unfold, I digressed to military thought processes and started building my own notebook of lessons and observations.
In todays world, it is hard to find out who really made a quote first. There are many quotes about mistakes, such as the apparently there is some debate about the use of the quote
“You must learn from the mistakes of others, you don’t have time to make them all yourself”
-someone famous
Either way, it’s a valid point – I had to try and learn to stop letting the mistakes I saw being repeated, keep happening in different groups.
In the military, there is a department dedicated to “lessons learned”. As a planner, I worked closely with those folks to make sure we didn’t continue to make the same mistakes. The standard joke was that we couldn’t call it a lesson learned until we actually demonstrated that we weren’t making that mistake anymore. By identifying problems and challenges, the ultimate desire is not repeat those mistakes. I saw this many times in many different non-profit organizations.
That is what led me to pursue marketing more in detail. I remember many “planning meetings” for an event and when it came to marketing the extent was that someone said – I think I can make a FB page or event that we can share. And that would be the extent of it.
Marketing has a finger in every pie that an event bakes. If you are pursuing sponsors – they need to know that their support gets marketed; you want people to attend, you need to market the event in a way that they will find out about it; and the reality is – just because you throw an event, doesn’t mean that people will come (somewhat Field of Dreams reference intentional).
The goal of Rotorhead Digital is to help people sync all the many components together to provide the lift to get your marketing needs off the ground. My first version logo (still undecided if it will survive) highlights that, using the silhouette of the mighty Sea King, which I spend nearly 20 years qualified on.
Thanks for checking out my website. I hope that there is a way I can help provide lift to your marketing thoughts. Please check out the page of services and reach out.